Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Night Before

Welcome to my blog!  I don't really know what to say in this initial entry.  It makes me think back to the days of when I would write a term paper.  I would spend as much time writing the two paragraph introduction as I would writing the entire ten page body of the paper.  It's also why I hated dating - first dates were so much more work and effort than all the other dates that came after it.  Which is why I proposed to Florence after we had been dating for only six months.  Besides the fact that I was (and still am) completely in love with her, I was sick of dating, wanted to move past the introduction and couldn't wait to get started on our life together (the meat of the paper).  So, it's highly ironic that my blog begins tonight, on January 2, as Florence and I celebrate the five year anniversary of our engagement...

My blog begins tonight because tomorrow is my first session of chemotherapy.  On November 16th, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in my right testicle.  On December 3rd, the right testicle was surgically removed.  On December 21st, I was told that that the testicular cancer had spread to an isolated nodule on my lung.  And, on January 3rd, I begin chemotherapy that will hopefully destroy that nodule and eliminate any microscopic traces of the cancer.  My prognosis is excellent, and I fully expect to receive a clean bill of health within the next couple of months.  But, for now, and until then, I have cancer and I must deal with the impact of that proclamation.  For the foreseeable future, I will use this blog to chronicle my thoughts, my experiences and my random side stories.  Tomorrow, I'll be back to talk about the chemotherapy treatment and my thoughts on my first day of chemo...


  1. G, well said, and happy anniversary! We are with you all the way. Sending much love, prayers, and "serenity now!" from DC.

    Love, Tony & Sharon

  2. Go Bryan, we are with you all the way. We are sending more love than you can imagine. We know you will come through this like a champ!! xoxo, Sharon, Tony and Abby
    P.S. Happy Anniversary :)

  3. Your baby sister loves you and you have no idea how proud I am of you for facing this head on and in such a "kick ass" way. Too many wonderful things in your life to let this s#%# slow you down! You have always been a fighter and a wise-ass so I fully expect to see both in this blog :-). We love you with all our hearts and we are looking forward to April when this is all behind us!
    love, Stephanie, Jeremy and Maya
    PS - Sorry I forget to say "Happy Engagement Anny" last night!

  4. Tony - How do I comment as "Stephanie" instead of "Anonymous". I tried to do it but didn't know what to put in the "url" spot.


  5. Looking forward to running a ridiculous victory lap with you this summer during the Warrior Dash after we've beaten this thing (and I say "we," as we intend to go through this with you). Hope you feel well, and you know we're sending all our good wishes.

  6. PS- Steph, sign up for a Google/Gmail account, then under your comment in the "Comment As" or "Select Profile," select your Google account.
